Bosch IoT Insights

User guide

This chapter details the following topics:

Logging in to Bosch IoT Insights

Bosch IoT Insights offers two possibilities to authenticate users:

  • using the SingleKey ID single-sign-on system

  • using the Bosch Employee log-in system

You are not allowed to use SingleKey ID and Bosch Employee accounts in parallel. On the first login as Bosch Employee, your SingleKey ID account will be migrated and deactivated.

Logging in using the SingleKey ID account

  1. Open the Bosch IoT Insights user interface at

  2. Click the Sign in button to log in.

  3. Select SingleKey ID.

  4. Enter your SingleKey ID credentials.

  5. Optionally, activate the Stay logged in checkbox to be automatically logged in the next time you open Bosch IoT Insights.

  6. Click the Login button.
    → You are logged in and the Overview page of your project is displayed.

    If you forgot your password, click the Forgot password button to set a new password. Enter your e-mail address and click the Set Password button. The e-mail you receive contains a link at which you can define your new password. For the password rules, refer to SingleKey ID Profile.

    If you do not have a SIngleKey ID yet, click the Not registered yet? button to register your SingleKey ID.

Logging in using the Bosch Employee account

  1. Open the Bosch IoT Insights user interface at

  2. Click the Sign in button to log in.

  3. Select Bosch Employee.

  4. Enter your Bosch NT credentials.

  5. Click the Login button.
    → You are logged in and the Overview page of your project is displayed.

Contacting the support

If you need support on a specific topic or have questions, you can access the support system or send an e-mail to the support team. The default support system is the genereal product system, but project admins can define a project specific.

Proceed as follows

Click the Contact button at the top right-hand corner.
→ The support page is opened in a new tab.

Accessing the online help

Proceed as follows

Click the Help button at the top right-hand corner.
→ The Bosch IoT Insights documentation is opened in a new tab.

Switching to full-screen mode

Proceed as follows

Click the Full-screen mode icon images/confluence/download/thumbnails/1002927304/icon_full_screen-version-1-modificationdate-1614155990000-api-v2.png at the top right-hand corner.
→ The user interface is displayed in full-screen mode.

To close the full-screen mode, click the Close full-screen mode icon images/confluence/download/thumbnails/1002927304/icon_close_full_screen-version-1-modificationdate-1614155990000-api-v2.png .

Changing the language

The Bosch IoT Insights user interface is available in English and German.

By default, the language set in the web browser is used.

Proceed as follows

  1. Click the current language abbreviation at the top right-hand corner.

  2. Select the language you prefer for the user interface.
    → The language is changed.

    Under More Settings, you can also make changes to the time zone and the time format.

Viewing more projects

Proceed as follows

  1. Click the name of your project.
    → The last viewed projects are displayed.

  2. Click All Projects to see a list of the projects you are a member of.
    → The Projects Overview is displayed.

Accessing the user menu

Click your e-mail address to open the drop-down menu that contains the following items:


User info

Click the User info entry to see your projects and the roles associated to each project.


Click the Settings entry to make changes to the language of the user interface, the time zone, and the time format.

SingleKey ID Profile

Click on Edit to open the SingleKey ID Profile page where you can change your credentials.

The new password needs to differ from the passwords you have used the past 10 times.

Note that passwords must be secure.

Therefore, the new password needs to be:

  • at least 8 characters long

  • must contain upper case letters

  • must contain lower case letters

  • must contain a number

  • must contain at least one special character

API Docs

Click the API Docs entry to access the different Service APIs.


Click the Guides entry to access the Bosch IoT Insights documentation.

Logging out of Bosch IoT Insights

Proceed as follows

Open the user menu by clicking on your e-mail address and select Logout.
→ You are logged out of Bosch IoT Insights and your session has ended.

The following chapters describe the user interface of Bosch IoT Insights.