Bosch IoT Insights

Input History

The Input History provides details on the manually uploaded documents and the documents that have been sent with the Data Recorder. The following information is displayed in the table:

  • Received date

  • Byte size

  • Type

  • Sender name

  • Tags
    e.g. OK, duplicated, checksumFailure

  • Actions

On the side navigation, click Processing and then the Input History menu item to open a list of all input history entries.


This chapter details the following topics:


A collection or processed data collection must be selected in the filter.

General functions

Filtering for input history entries

The following filters can be applied:

  • Received Date Range

  • Sender Name

  • MD5

  • Byte Size

  • Duplicate

  • Metadata Fields

  • Checksum Failure

  • Sender IP

  • Input data ID

  • Processed data

  • Type

  • Device

Proceed as follows

  1. In the Filter drop-down list, select a filter which you want to search through.

  2. Select an operator, e.g., Equals, Greater than, or Less or equal to. The operator is only available for specific filters.

  3. For the filter Metadata Fields, enter a Field Name and select a data type, in the Data Type drop-down list, which matches your field.

    An incorrect data type selection might lead to unexpected results.

  4. In the Value field, enter any value you want to search for.

  5. Click the Add button to add this filter parameter.
    → The filter parameter is added.

  6. Click the Search button to execute the filter parameter.
    → The query is executed. It can be extended with further filter parameters. All created filter parameters can be connected with logical operators, such as AND and/or OR functions.

  7. Add further filter parameters as described in steps 1 to 5, as desired.
    → The Compound Logic Editor is displayed.

  8. Click the button between the filter parameters to switch the connection from an AND to an OR - and vice versa.

  9. Click the Search button to execute the filter parameter.
    → The filter parameter is executed.

    The Compound Logic Editor can also be extended by using the keyboard, e.g., by adding parentheses.



Proceed as follows

Use the images/confluence/download/thumbnails/1094237876/back-left-end-version-1-modificationdate-1723552918000-api-v2.png and images/confluence/download/thumbnails/1094237876/back-right-end-version-1-modificationdate-1723552918000-api-v2.png icons to jump to either the first page or the last page of input history entries.

Use the images/confluence/download/thumbnails/1094237876/back-left-version-1-modificationdate-1723552918000-api-v2.png and images/confluence/download/thumbnails/1094237876/forward-right-version-1-modificationdate-1723552918000-api-v2.png icons to go back a page or forward.

Refreshing the input history

Proceed as follows

Click the images/confluence/download/thumbnails/1094237876/refresh-version-1-modificationdate-1723552918000-api-v2.png icon to refresh the list of input history entries.

Limiting the number of input history entries

Proceed as follows

  1. Click the Settings drop-down list.

  2. Select the number of input history entries to be displayed per page.
    → The number of displayed entries per page is adjusted accordingly.

Downloading the input history

All entries in the input history can be downloaded.

Only the uploaded data can be downloaded not the metadata that has been added.

Only the input history entries to which you have access will be downloaded. Access rights can be managed for each device and for each user role, refer to Managing device access rights.

Proceed as follows

  1. Click the Download button to download all input history entries.

  2. Open or save the file to the desired location.
    → The input history has been downloaded.

Deleting the input history

A user with the Admin user role can delete all entries in the input history, refer to Deleting the input history.

Restoring the input history

A user with the Admin user role can restore all soft-deleted entries in the input history before they are permanently deleted, refer to Deleting the input history.

Reprocessing the input history

A user with the Admin user role can reprocess all entries of the input history, refer to Reprocessing the input history.

Displaying the details of an input history entry

Each entry in the input history can be expanded for more details.

The following metadata is displayed:

  • ID

  • MD5

  • fileName

    All sent metadata are displayed.


Displaying the preview of an input history entry

Each entry in the input history can be expanded for more details.

The following information is displayed:

  • Text/image/application

    To download the file, click the Download button.

    To view the processing information of the input history entry, click the Processing information button.

    To reprocess the input history entry, click the Reprocess button. This action is only available to users with the admin role.

    To delete the file, click the Delete button. This action is only available to users with the admin role.

    To restore a soft-deleted file, within the period before it is permanently deleted, click the Restore button. This action is only available to users with the admin role.

    To zoom in to and out of an image, use the scroll wheel on your mouse.

  • Sender Name

  • Tags, e.g. OK, duplicate, no-access

  • Metadata

    All sent metadata are displayed.

Proceed as follows

  1. Optionally, set a filter to narrow down the list of input history entries.

  2. Click the Preview icon images/confluence/download/thumbnails/1094237876/image-gallery-version-1-modificationdate-1723552918000-api-v2.png in the line of the input history entry of which the preview shall be displayed.
    → The Details pane is opened.

    To navigate through the details of each input history entry, use the Previous and Next buttons.

    To close the details of a input history entry, click the Close button.

Showing the processing information

The input history entries can be displayed in the Processing Information tab.

Proceed as follows

  1. Optionally, set a filter to narrow down the list of input history entries.

  2. Click the Show processing information icon images/confluence/download/thumbnails/1094237876/filter-version-1-modificationdate-1723552918000-api-v2.png in the line of the input history entry of which the processing information shall be displayed.
    → The entry is displayed in the Processing Information tab.

Downloading input history entries

Individual input history entries can be downloaded.

If you do not have the necessary access rights, the icon is grayed out. Access rights can be managed for each device and for each user role, refer to Managing device access rights.

Proceed as follows

  1. Optionally, set a filter to narrow down the list of input history entries.

  2. Click the Download input data icon images/confluence/download/thumbnails/1094237876/download-version-1-modificationdate-1723552918000-api-v2.png in the line of the input history entry that shall be downloaded.

  3. Open or save the file to the desired location.
    → The input history entry has been downloaded.

Reprocessing input history entries

A user with the Admin user role can reprocess individual input history entries, refer to Reprocessing the input history.

Deleting and restoring input history entries

A user with the Admin user role can delete individual input history entries and for a limited period of time can also restore them, refer to Deleting the input history.