Bosch IoT Insights

Working with widgets

Widgets are small applications that display static or dynamic content such as text, statistics, maps, navigational links, or query results. Widgets are arranged in dashboards and can be adjusted to the necessary size of the user's screen.

The following aspects should be considered when configuring widgets for a project:

  1. Who is the recipient?

  2. Which information shall be displayed?

Use cases

  1. The recipient is administratively or commercially oriented.
    Widgets such as Project Stats, Device Stats and Duplicates can be selected to get an overview of the project's statistics.

  2. The recipient is technically oriented and is interested in the data for one specific vehicle.
    The Illustration widget can be used to place suitable values including units, e.g., on a wiring diagram. The information can be provided by creating templates in Explore > Data Explorer.

  3. The recipient is technically oriented and is interested in the data of several vehicles and information shall be re-playable.
    A combination of the Filter Panel and Playback widgets can be used. The information can be provided by creating templates in Explore > Data Explorer. For replaying data, the central data source needs to be changed to the data coming in via the Playback widget. Therefore, the corresponding widgets have to be set to re-playable.

The widgets are divided into two groups: General and Charts.

The following chapters provide a description and the configuration options for each widget.

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