Bosch IoT Insights

Device Details Widget

Using the Device Details widget, devices and their device information can be displayed in a widget. The information blocks you configured in Managing information blocks will be available for you to add.



Click the QR code icon to create a QR code containing the device ID, refer to Creating a QR code.

Proceed as follows

  1. Select the Device Details widget in the widget list.
    → The widget configuration page is displayed.

  2. Configure the settings as described below.

  3. Click the Add button.
    → The widget is added to the dashboard.

To create this widget, the following settings are mandatory to be configured:

  • Data Source

All other settings are optional.

Dashboard Settings

Open the Dashboard Settings pane to set how the widget is displayed in the dashboard.

  1. In the Size drop-down list, decide how much space the widget should take in the form of columns.

  2. In the Visibility drop-down, set whether the widget should be visible or hidden. You can also define for which specific roles the widget will be shown or not. This setting allows you to customize dashboards for specific user groups that have a certain role.

    Visible: The widget is visible for all (default)
    Visible for roles: The widget is visible if any of the selected roles matches one of the user's project role
    Hidden: The widget is hidden for all
    Hidden for roles: The widget is hidden if any of the selected roles matches one of the user's project role

  3. In the Layout behavior drop-down list, decide how the size of the widget should be adapted in the dashboard.

  4. In the Title field, enter a title for the widget.

    For a dynamic title, you can add placeholders with the ${...} notation. Possible placeholder sources are filterParams (if a filter widget exists on the dashboard, e.g. ${filterParams.paramName}) or data from the data source (if source is specified, e.g. ${[0].payload.value}), insights (user context), dashboardName or widgetId.

General Settings

Open the General Settings pane to configure some general aspects for the widget.

  1. In the Widget Refresh Interval in Seconds field, enter a value in seconds after which the widget should be refreshed.

  2. In the Lazy Loading drop-down list, select whether you want to enable or disable lazy loading.

    Lazy loading is enabled by default. That way, widgets are only loaded when they are visible on screen. This prevents slower loading of the dashboard and performance issues.

Data Sources

You can only add a single device.

Open the Data Sources pane to configure the data source for the widget.

  1. In the Type drop-down list, select a device type.

  2. In the Default Device ID field, select a device from the drop-down list or enter the device name.

  3. Click the Update Source button to display the widget preview.

Data Transformation

With the data transformation activated, you can select entries from arrays in arrays or a specific range of arrays.

Also refer to the JMESPath documentation.

Open the Data Transformation pane to activate the data transformation to JMES.

  1. Activate the toggle switch.

  2. In the Filter field, add a string to filter the data, e.g. [0] to display only the first item or [?contains(thingId,'yourThingName')] to filter by contains in the thingId property.

  3. Click the Transformed data preview icon images/confluence/download/thumbnails/1081316247/refresh%281%29-version-1-modificationdate-1725282802000-api-v2.png to open a preview.
    → The data transformation is activated for the widget.

If you selected more than one data source, the Data Aggregator pane is displayed.

  1. Activate the toggle switch.

  2. In the Data Aggregator drop-down list, select an aggregation method with which each entry of the same index is merged into one result.

  3. Activate the Merge Properties checkbox to merge the properties of the index.

  4. In the Filter field, add a string to filter the data, e.g. [0] to display only the first item or [?contains(thingId,'yourThingName')] to filter by contains in the thingId property.

  5. Click the Transformed data preview icon images/confluence/download/thumbnails/1081316247/refresh%281%29-version-1-modificationdate-1725282802000-api-v2.png to open a preview.
    → The data transformation is activated for the widget.

Basic Display Options

Open the Basic Display Options pane to configure the displayed elements in the widget.

  1. De-/activate the Device title checkbox to hide or display the device name in the title.

  2. De-/activate the Primary image checkbox to hide or display the image in the title.

    Deactivate this option if you want to display the image stored in the Images information block.

    Use the edit icon images/confluence/download/thumbnails/1915525788/icon_edit_blue-version-1-modificationdate-1675333732000-api-v2.png next to the display image to quickly replace the image. You can also backdate this change.

    Images are displayed as thumbnail images. These smaller images allow faster dashboard loading times. Click the image to see it enlarged.

  3. De-/activate the QR Code checkbox to hide or display a QR code that provides more information to the device.

Information Blocks & Properties

Open the Information Blocks & Properties pane to configure which information blocks will be displayed in the widget.

  1. Activate the checkboxes of the information blocks that shall be displayed in the widget.

  2. Use the move icon images/confluence/download/thumbnails/1915525788/icon_move-version-1-modificationdate-1631000819000-api-v2.png to change the order of the information blocks.