Bosch IoT Insights

Calendar widget

Using the Calendar widget, you can create bookings for devices. You can also create bookings for appointments that do not have to be linked to devices. The calendar can be displayed by month, week, or day.

Use Cases:

  • Repairs

  • Maintenance

  • Scheduled tests

  • Flexible tests

The calendar widget offers three display modes:

  • Calendar mode

  • Timeline mode

  • Table mode



Proceed as follows

  1. Select the Calendar widget in the widget list.
    → The widget configuration page is displayed.

  2. Configure the settings as described below.

  3. Click the Add button.
    → The widget is added to the dashboard.

Dashboard Settings

Open the Dashboard Settings pane to set how the widget is displayed in the dashboard.

  1. In the Size drop-down list, decide how much space the widget should take in the form of columns.

  2. In the Visibility drop-down list, decide whether the widget should be shown or hidden in the dashboard.

  3. In the Layout behavior drop-down list, decide how the size of the widget should be adapted in the dashboard.

  4. In the Title field, enter a title for the widget.

    For a dynamic title, you can add placeholders with the ${...} notation. Possible placeholder sources are filterParams (if a filter widget exists on the dashboard, e.g. ${filterParams.paramName}) or data from the data source (if source is specified, e.g. ${[0].payload.value}), insights (user context), dashboardName or widgetId.

General Settings

Open the General Settings pane to configure some general aspects for the widget.

  1. In the Lazy Loading drop-down list, select whether you want to enable or disable lazy loading.

    Lazy loading is enabled by default. That way, widgets are only loaded when they are visible on screen. This prevents slower loading of the dashboard and performance issues.

Data Sources

Open the Data Sources pane to configure the display of devices.

  1. When connected to the Filter Panel widget:

    • In the Pagination Limit field, enter the number of devices to be displayed.

    • In the Sort field, enter a parameter to sort the displayed devices.

    • In the Filter field, enter a custom Things Filter to filter your devices.

  2. When disconnected from the Filter Panel widget:

    • In the Select Device Types drop-down list, select a device type.

    • In the Advanced Settings, you can specify more values as indicated in the Data Sources - Multiple Devices section.

Data Transformation

With the data transformation activated, you can select entries from arrays in arrays or a specific range of arrays.

Also refer to the JMESPath documentation.

Open the Data Transformation pane to activate the data transformation to JMES.

  1. Activate the toggle switch.

  2. In the Filter field, add a string to filter the data, e.g. [0] to display only the first item or [?contains(thingId,'yourThingName')] to filter by contains in the thingId property.

  3. Click the Transformed data preview icon images/confluence/download/thumbnails/1081316247/icon_widget_refresh-version-1-modificationdate-1675069110000-api-v2.png to open a preview.
    → The data transformation is activated for the widget.

If you selected more than one data source, the Data Aggregator pane is displayed.

  1. Activate the toggle switch.

  2. In the Data Aggregator drop-down list, select an aggregation method with which each entry of the same index is merged into one result.

  3. Activate the Merge Properties checkbox to merge the properties of the index.

  4. In the Filter field, add a string to filter the data, e.g. [0] to display only the first item or [?contains(thingId,'yourThingName')] to filter by contains in the thingId property.

  5. Click the Transformed data preview icon images/confluence/download/thumbnails/1081316247/icon_widget_refresh-version-1-modificationdate-1675069110000-api-v2.png to open a preview.
    → The data transformation is activated for the widget.

Calendar Configuration

Open the Calendar Configuration pane to set how the widget is displayed by default.

  1. In the Default Display Mode drop-down list, select one of the following display modes to be set as default:

    • Calendar Mode: Displays the calendar as usual.

    • Timeline Mode: Displays the resources and their bookings in the calendar.

    • Table Mode: Displays the bookings in a table.

  2. In the Highlight Weekends drop-down list, select whether you want the weekends to be represented in a different color than the working days.

    The default value is Enabled, meaning that the weekend will have gray background coloring in contrast to the white working days.

  3. In the Default Booking Status drop-down list, select the default status of bookings.

    • Can be overbooked: The selected device can be booked multiple times at the same time range.

    • Non-overbookable: The selected device cannot be booked multiple times at the defined time range.
      The time range can collide with a booking with the booking status Can be overbooked. The owner of the Can be overbooked booking receives a notification of the new booking with this status.

    • Blocked: The device and the time range cannot be booked again. A booking with the booking status Blocked has the highest priority. Owners of Can be overbooked and Non-overbookable bookings with that same device within the same time range receive a notification on the new booking with the Blocked status informing about the non-availability of the device in this time range.

  4. Activate the Connect to filter widget checkbox to connect the Calendar widget with the Filter Panel widget.

    This checkbox is only available if the Filter Panel widget has been configured on the dashboard.

  5. Activate the Enable "My Bookings" filter by default checkbox to only show the bookings of the currently logged-in user upon opening the calender.

  6. Activate the Custom device details links checkbox to define a custom link that leads to the device details.
    → The device details page is configured as default.

    1. To change the link of the Default device details page, define a default URL with query parameters that will be displayed for all devices.

    2. To add a custom URL for a specific device type, click the Add Custom Device Type URL drop-down list and select a device type.

      1. In the Custom device details page field, define the custom URL with query parameters.

        You could also add a link to a view that shows the details of the device.

      2. Repeat the steps if you want to add a custom link for another device type.

  7. Activate the Extended device details checkbox to display device properties in the calendar booking.

    1. In the Type drop-down list, select a device type.

    2. In the Add properties drop-down list, select the device property.

      Add a maximum of five device properties per device type to ensure a good user experience when displaying the calendar booking.

      → The device type and the corresponding device properties are added grouped by device type.

      To change the order of the device properties, click the move icon and drag and drop the device property to the desired location.

      To delete a device property, click the delete icon in the line of the desired device property.

  8. If you have configured device types to be mandatory for calender bookings, you can set a custom filter for these devices.

    1. Open the Custom filter for Mandatory Devices pane to configure the filter.
      → The device types set to mandatory are displayed.

    2. Add a filter using query parameters to the field, such as like(features/general/properties/name,"*${filterParams.test}*").

  9. Open the Advanced Settings drop-down menu to define a default filter for the devices that shall be displayed for booking.

    1. In the Default Device Filter field, enter a default device filter, such as eq(attributes/type,”car”).
      → The filter is displayed in the Booking dialog.

    2. Activate the Hide device filter in the booking dialog checkbox to hide the Advanced Settings section in the Booking dialog.

      Use this checkbox if the filter should neither be accessed nor edited.

    3. Activate the Mark email address field in the booking dialog as required checkbox to require users to add confirmation email addresses in the dialog

Calendar display modes

The calendar widget allows you to quickly switch between the three display modes using the buttons on the top left of the widget.

The current day on the Calendar and Timeline mode is highlighted in blue.

All three modes include a Today button which focuses the view on the current day. In addition, clicking it on the Timeline view will also move the horizontal scrollbar to the current day.

Calendar mode


Timeline mode

The resources inside the timeline calendar view are grouped by their device type with an indication of the number of devices in each group.

The groups can be expanded and collapsed.

Use the filter icon images/confluence/download/thumbnails/1698701064/icon_input_history_show_processing_information-version-1-modificationdate-1680079468000-api-v2.png to select which device properties shall be displayed for each device.

These device properties must be added in the Extended device details section, refer to step 5 in the Calendar Configuration.


Table mode
