Bosch IoT Insights


Field data is an essential asset for understanding the reality that products are exposed to. This understanding is a prerequisite to improve products and to keep them competitive on the market. But field data for products is not automatically available. It needs effort to build a sustainable process and environment for collecting and using field data. Bosch IoT Insights provides a cloud infrastructure, REST APIs, and a web application user interface. Those features allow you to ingest, store, query, and isolate data for further investigation and needs. It is further based on state-of-the-art technologies.

Bosch IoT Insights processes the data generated by any device. The data sent to the cloud is first stored in raw format. To ensure seamless integration of data, Bosch IoT Insights offers a standard HTTPS API and the automotive-specific API of the CML Flea 3 and 4 box.
Other cloud services and products, such as Bosch IoT Remote Manager, can also serve as an instance to ingest data.

Once data has been stored in the object storage, the service enables you to decode, normalize, enrich, and clean your data. In a next step, you can query your data and visualize it using standard and user-defined dashboards.
In addition, Bosch IoT Insights also features interfaces usable by third-party tools in order to support data analytics, integrate FOTA cases or to simply gain a holistic view on the data.


General features

  • Data ingestion - via direct networking, offline transmission of data packages, encrypted channels, raw data storage, or the standard HTTPS API of the cloud services Bosch IoT Edge Services, Bosch IoT Remote Manager, and Eclipse Ditto

  • Data storage - object storage for raw data and MongoDB for processed data

  • Data processing - the integrated data processor makes binary data readable with supported industry-wide description standards

  • Data visualization - various widgets allow data visualization to customize dashboards and views

  • Device management - offers a visualization of physically existing devices and device data

  • Authentication and authorization - authentication, roles, and corresponding permissions to authenticate and authorize users

  • Availability - Service Level Agreement based on a fully-managed cloud service

  • Read Ticket Management - the load balancing concept of Bosch IoT Insights to increase the stability of your database and prevent peak load scenarios that could potentially block users

The features in detail:

  • Data ingestion

    • Via direct networking, offline transmission of data packages, encrypted channels, raw data storage, or the standard HTTPS API to get data directly from devices and services like Bosch IoT Edge Services, Bosch IoT Remote Manager, and Eclipse Ditto

    • External interfaces, such as Flea 3 and Flea 4 (telematics system)

    • Via web browser

  • Data storage

    • Object storage for raw data

    • MongoDB for processed data, using a highly secure, cloud-based lambda infrastructure

    • Storage of data types such as time series data, aggregated counters, statistical information, and logging information

    • Storage of device master data such as time series data, aggregated counters, statistical information, and logging information, metadata, image information, and device information

    • Interfaces for third-party data analytics tools

  • Data processing

    • The provided data processor makes binary data readable with the industry-wide description standards, such as ODX, Fibex, A2L, MDF, DBC, and Google Protocol Buffer

    • Ingested data can be unified by bringing together different data sources and unifying their data structures

    • Removal of duplicates to guarantee high data quality with reduced costs

    • Aggregation of different data sources

    • Integration of custom processing scripts (Java and Python) that can be combined with other processors

  • Data visualization

    • Customized dashboards and views with various widgets such as bar charts, location maps, tables, etc.

    • Simple query templates

  • Device management

    • Creating and maintaining visualizations of physically existing devices

    • Clustering of device data based on device types

    • Overview of device status and components as well as their relationships

  • Whitelabeling

    • Customize your look & feel to match your cooperate branding

    • Customizable Menu

    • Custom Domain and Homepage

  • Authentication and authorization

    • Basic authentication to authenticate users

    • Five different roles with corresponding permissions to authorize users

    • Communication is secured through HTTPS and encrypted through TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3

  • Availability

    • Fully-managed cloud service

    • Service Level Agreement - the team behind the service guarantees a very high availability

  • Read Ticket Management

    • Load balancing concept of Bosch IoT Insights

    • Prevents peak load scenarios that could potentially block users

    • Provides two kinds of concurrent read tickets: UI read tickets and API read tickets

    • Monitoring of read tickets in the Query History Chart to always have an overview of queued query times and queued read tickets

The available service plans and the features included in each service plan are described in Service plans. To book a free or a paid plan, check the steps in Subscribing to a Bosch IoT Insights service instance.