Bosch IoT Insights

Deleting processed data

This chapter explains how you delete individual processed data entries with the associated input data.



You are assigned to the Admin role.

Deleting a processed data entry

To delete an individual entry in the processing information, proceed as follows:

  1. Optionally, set a filter to narrow down the list of processed data entries.

  2. Click the Delete icon images/confluence/download/thumbnails/1338430676/icon_remove-version-1-modificationdate-1595494639000-api-v2.png in the line of the processed data entry that will be deleted.
    → The Delete data dialog is displayed.

  3. Select one of the following options:

    1. Only processed data
      → Only the processed data entry is deleted. The associated input data and processing information are preserved.

    2. Processed and associated input data
      → The processed data entry, the associated processing information, and input files are deleted.

  4. Click Delete.
    → The selected data is deleted.