General information block
The General information block is mandatory by default and is always displayed.
Proceed as follows
Click the Edit button to edit the general information of the device.
→ The Properties dialog containing the predefined properties is displayed.Enter information for each displayed property.
Activate/deactivate the Active checkbox to indicate whether the device is active or inactive.
Optionally, change the Name of the device.
Optionally, add Custom properties:
Click the Add Property button and define a Key and Value for each property.
It is also possible to add multiple custom properties at once:
Copy the relevant key-value pairs from another source, for example from another device or from an Excel or Notepad file.
Click the Paste button or use the relevant keyboard combination from the button's tooltip.
Likewise, you can copy the custom properties of a device using the Copy all button. When you later paste them, for example to Excel or Notepad, the table formatting of the key value pairs will be preserved.
Custom properties are only available if they have been activated in the device type configuration.
Click the Save button.
→ General information of the device has been added.
You can also use the Quick Edit option that allows you to edit the information in the device view. Click the Save button to save your changes.