Bosch IoT Insights

Viewing the history

The History consists of two views: an overview of all device history entries and a detail view of an individual device history entry.


Proceed as follows

Click the History tab to display the device history entries.

→ A list of device history entries is displayed and you can see some details on what has been changed.


  1. Date the change was made
    The date is displayed at the top of each page as well as in between when the date changes.

  2. Name of the root device
    If the device has not been linked, this is also the device affected by the change.

  3. Time of how long ago the change was made
    This is displayed in seconds/minutes/days.

  4. E-mail address of the user who made the change

    If changes are performed outside of Bosch IoT Insights, the information of the user is not available. If that is the case, the user information displayed is external.

  5. List of tags added to the history entry
    Setting tags is optional.

  6. Name of the affected information block

  7. Details of the change

  8. Label

  9. Comment added in the device history entry
    Leaving a comment is optional (in the screenshot, above no comment has been added).

Detail view

Proceed as follows

Click the desired device history entry to display the details.

→ The details of the change are displayed.


  1. Name of the root device
    If the device has not been linked, this is also the device affected by the change.

  2. Date and time of the modification

  3. Labels of the currently selected device history entry
    The labels can be edited.

  4. Comments of the currently selected device history entry
    The labels can be edited.

  5. History timeline
    All changes made to the device are displayed in chronological order. It is possible to view all changes by selecting a different entry. The currently selected entry is highlighted.

  6. Name of the information block affected by the change

  7. Details of the change

  8. Current state of the device's information blocks including the change described in (7).

  9. Download button to download a JSON representation of the device state in the current device history entry.
    Only tracked attributes are included in this.