Bosch IoT Insights

Available roles

Here is a list of roles, their description, their inherited roles (whose access rights are automatically applied) and sample features (access rights) which can be granted.

The user who did the service instance subscription is Owner by default.

He can invite further users and give them access to the project.



Feature examples

Inherited roles


Billing administrator of a specific project.

Additional to Admin role:

  • terminate subscription

  • upgrade subscription

  • access costs

  • add/remove owners

  • Admin

  • Manager

  • Power User

  • User

  • Data Provider

  • Access


Technical administrator of a specific project. Is allowed to change settings which might break the project setup.

Additional to Manager role:

  • delete input and processed data

  • full access to all project features

  • Manager

  • Power User

  • User

  • Data Provider

  • Access


Business administrator of a specific project. Is only allowed to change settings which cannot break a project setup.

Additional to Power User role:

  • view database statistics

  • invite users to a project

  • access user management

  • Power User

  • User

  • Data Provider

  • Access

Power User

Role for power users of a specific project with extended features.

Additional to User role:

  • use Data Analyzer

  • write queries within the Template Designer

  • access Decoder Service

  • User

  • Access


Role for users of a specific project. Allowed to access data of this project.

Minimum role to:

  • access project data

  • use Data Browser and Data Explorer

  • see custom project views

  • Access

Data Provider

Role for (mostly technical) users of a specific project. Allowed to provide/send input data.

Role to:

  • send input data to a project only

  • Access


Role for all users of a specific project. Allowed to access a project.